How to shop with Magda's Style Room.
Shop-Donate at your home, a space or place of business!
-Contact us to shop!
-We'll confirm your date, location and sizes.
-Fill in your size chart so we can profile your items.
(click 'Your size chart' at left to copy/paste-fill out and send)!
-Fill a small bag with 'no longer you' items to donate.
(this gets you some perks for future shopping).
No FEES to shop.
-Personal Shop
$80 minimum per person in purchases
-Shop with friends
$50 minimum per person in purchases
-HOST a Shop Party and get $50 in FREE FASHION
5 to shop/$50 minimum per person in purchases
How much are clothing/accessories when you shop?
Perfect condition or like-new.
Most items are $40-100 (sometimes more for high end or
Grab Bag'
Gently used but only
$10 each
-sales tax included in
the price!
You earn credit perks for future free shopping:
-from your
-when you invite friends and they shop
-photo ops of you wearing your Magda's Style Room purchase